Working Papers

Why is Entrepreneurial Overconfidence (so) Persistent?
(with Maclean Gaulin and Nathan Seegert)

(Under Revision: If you tend to read papers only once, please check back soon.)
Tagline: We conduct a year-long RCT across 1,000 entrepreneurs to show how scientific learning can de-bias overconfidence.

Technological Uniqueness and Firm Performance
(with Yang Fan, Lubomir Litov and Todd Zenger) | (Online Appendix)

(Revise and Resubmit, Strategic Management Journal)
Tagline: More technologically uniqueness causes better firm performance, but also reduces benefits from technology spillovers and makes equity valuation harder.

The Rise of Industrial AI in America
(with Kristina McElheran, Erik Brynjolfsson and Zachary Kroff)

(Working Paper posting soon!)
Tagline: As of 2021, we find a robustly negative causal effect of AI on productivity in US manufacturing.

Data in Action: Data-Driven Decision Making in U.S. Manufacturing
(with Kristina McElheran and Erik Brynjolfsson) 

(Revise and Resubmit, Management Science)
Tagline: We provide large-sample causal evidence for the positive productivity effects of Data-Driven Decision Making practices in US manufacturing.

Leadership Vacillation
(with James Yen, Jackson Nickerson and Todd Zenger) 

(Revise and Resubmit, Strategic Management Journal)
Tagline: Corporations perform better in the long run if they dynamically vacillate between CEOs that specialize in either growth or profitability at a time.

Competitive Differentiation Effects of Board Network Distance
(with Yang Fan) | (Online Appendix)

(Under Review)
Tagline: Closer connections of corporations through directors leads to more competitive differentiation.

Unlocking Innovation: How Board Networks Reinforce R&D Spillovers
(with Yang Fan) 

(Under Review)
Tagline: Board networks shape R&D spillovers and how corporations respond to R&D spillovers.

Informative or Actionable? Implementation Constraints and Business Experimentation
(with Nathan Seegert, Orie Shelef and Robert Wuebker) 

(Under Revision)
Tagline: Costs of scaling-up or pivoting a startup impact how and when entrepreneurs should experiment.

Managerial Overconfidence and Dynamic Strategy-Structure (Mis-)Fit

(Under Revision)
Tagline: :
Overconfident managers increase strategy-structure misalignment in response to competitive shocks.

Sources of Firm Life-Cycle Dynamics: Age vs Size Effects
(with Lorenz Kueng and Bryan Hong) 

(Reject and Resubmit: Journal of Finance)
Tagline: Life-cycle growth dynamics of firms are driven by growth of startups and not by age effects.

COVID-19 Work

Doing Good rather than Doing Well: What stimulates Personal Data Sharing and Why? 
(with Mac Gaulin, Nate Seegert, Steven Alder, Adam Looney)

(Under Revision)
Using a sequence of RCTs we show that image motivation and identity are an order of magnitude more effective to stimulate personal data sharing than incentives.

Information Revelation of Decentralized Crisis Management: Evidence from Natural Experiments on Mask Mandates
(with Maclean Gaulin, Francisco Navarro-Sanchez and Nate Seegert)

  • Pivotal in convincing the Utah state legislature to leave state-wide mask mandates in place in fall 2020.
  • Media coverage: The Washington Post, Forbes and CBS

(Under Revision)
Mask mandates reduce confirmed cases and can increase economic activity—if they are enforced at a state rather than county level.